Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Fulbright scholarship to Turkey and Adaptive Physical Education

The Fulbright scholarship sponsors encourage students to consider the opportunity of study and travel abroad. Pick a country, any country. My hand shot up, and I said, "Turkey!" Nobody else selected Turkey. Many people dream of the romantic destinations...France or Italy. Let's get outside the box, ok? TWU has a dynamic international student program. Learn more about the Fulbright scholarships here Fulbright - Turkey.

Ms. Juanita Duenez-Lazo, is the Director of Texas Woman's University - Office of International Education and Admissions. She shared with me we had a Turkish professor on campus, and perhaps I'd be interested in meeting her. Of course I would. Dr. Dilara Ozer and I immediately enjoyed a warm relationship. She was at TWU to study with a pioneer in the area of adaptive physical education, Dr. Claudine Sherrill. How did that come to be? Years ago, Dr. Ozer was told she would be teaching physical education for special needs students. She wanted to learn more about it, and went to her Turkish library to research the topic. She found one book particularly helpful. It was written by Dr. Sherrill, of the TWU Adaptive Physical Education program These two professors found a mutual appreciation for the subject and collaborated on further ideas. The next International Symposium on Adaptive Physical Education - July 19-23, 2013 will be conducted in Istanbul Turkey. You too can meet Dr. Ozer and Dr. Sherrill.

Left to right: Marni Sadri, Dr. Dilara Ozer,  Dian Jordan-Werhane, and Juanita Duenez-Lazo

We had a great little impromptu international party at my house to send Dr Ozer back to Turkey with the very best of wishes from Texas.

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