Friday, January 6, 2012

Is Anybody There? And then to the House of Virgin Mary

Is Anybody There? That is the English translation for a popular non-profit organization in Turkey. The organization was founded on the backs of a TV station. They were one of the first to arrive after the devasting earthquake in 1999. As they showed up, with cameras in hand, they heard cries from the rubble, "Is Anybody There. Help me."

They realized "they" were the somebody. People were in need, and they were able to help. The TV station went on to found a Non-governmental Organization (NGO) - which is what we refer to as non-profits in the US. They have gone past the earthquake in their own country of Turkey. They help people in countries throughout the world after disasters or other devasting events.

More later.

Unburied from hundreds of years, this is believed to be the last home of the Virgin Mary after she left Jurusalem. Located high atop a hill in the city of Ishmir, Turkey.

More later

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